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All brands, All Models, Computer Matched, Hand Mixed Touch up Paint.

Does your motorcycle suffer from road rash or chips in its paint? It is a sad fact of driving life that all motorcycles are susceptible to paint damage. Whether you drive a Harley Davidson, a Honda or a Triumph , all succumb to paint scratches left on their bodywork by loose stone chips and grit from the road surfaces.

But there is an answer…

The answer is Chipex® Motorcycle Touch up Paint, a revolutionary new repair solution. Traditional DIY repair kits only supply best-match paint and full resprays are expensive and unnecessary. But with Chipex you get a perfect color match and seamless, professional results thanks to our high-grade blending and polishing solutions. All with clear, simple user-friendly instructions.

Click on your brand from the list below and you are on your way to finding the perfect paint for your automotive with a 100% color match guarantee.

100% Color Match Guarantee


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