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Tesla Touch Up Paint

Tesla Color Codes

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Tesla Paint Repair

Recognizing the frustration that arises from discovering unsightly scratches and chips on your Tesla, Chipex® is here to provide a solution that ensures a seamless restoration. We proudly offer precise touch up paint for all Tesla color codes. This guarantees a flawless finish that seamlessly blends with the existing paintwork.

As industry-leading touch up paint suppliers, we take pride in our range of Tesla touch up paint kits, designed to facilitate professional-looking results from the comfort of your own home. If you are seeking to address minor damage, Chipex® has got you covered.

How To Use Tesla Chipex Paint

Chipex® Tesla Paint is the ultimate solution for repairing the annoying paint chips on your Tesla vehicle. With its three-step process of paint, blend, and polish, even the most inexperienced car owner can achieve professional-looking results. Whether your Tesla is Deep Blue or Midnight Silver, our precisely packaged touch up paint is delivered fast and ready to be applied directly on the damaged area.

Where To Find Your Tesla Color Code

Similar to various other automobile manufacturers, Tesla’s paint codes can be found in the vehicle. The most dependable location to find your Tesla’s paint code is on the driver’s door frame, which becomes visible when you open the door. It’s essential to note that the exact position of the paint code might differ depending on your Tesla model, a thorough check of all doors to locate the information plate is advised.

Alternatively, you can consult the owner’s manual or get in touch with your nearest Tesla dealership to acquire the code. Regardless of the method you choose, we are here to assist you in finding the code required to order the appropriate touch up paint kit for your Tesla.

Once you find your paint Code, Insert Code Here!

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