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Subaru Touch Up Paint

Subaru Color Codes

Subaru Image

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Subaru Paint Repair

Whether you own a Forester or an Outback, at Chipex® we’ve made it a breeze to maintain the sleek look of your Subaru. With Chipex Subaru touch up paint, even the tiniest chips or scratches can be perfectly color-matched and made to vanish, leaving your vehicle looking as good as new.

How To Use Subaru Chipex Paint

Chipex Paint is the ultimate solution for all your Subaru touch up paint needs. Our three-step process – paint, blend, and polish – ensures that even the most inexperienced car owner can achieve professional-looking results. Whether your Subaru’s color is Abyss Blue or Crimson Red, Chipex® Subaru Paint has got you covered.

Our touch up paint is precisely packaged and delivered fast, so you can get started on your repair right away. With Chipex, there’s no need for complex color matching or extensive preparations. Our paint is ready to be applied directly, saving you time and effort.

Where To Find Your Subaru Color Code

The color code for all models can be found in a number of places, for example on the door jamb of the front passenger or driver door / Beneath the hood near the front, on one of the two areas of the radiator support: middle or driver / Beneath the hood on the passenger side, in front of the strut tower.
Once you’ve located the sticker, you will usually find the Subaru color code on the bottom left, as shown in the image.

If you cannot find the Subaru paint code / color name on the car, you can call your local dealer with your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), which you will find on the car or your log book / vehicle registration document, and they will be able to look it up on their internal database.
Subaru Color Location

Once you find your paint Code, Insert Code Here!

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